the Suttons: 2001–Present

Kyle and Jamie Sutton serve at Friendship Baptist Church with their children, Rebecca, Jonathan, and David. In August 2001, the Sutton family landed in Sydney, Australia, and began evangelistic work. As missionaries with the International Board of Jewish Missions, they have a burden to share the gospel with the Jewish people in Australia.

Over the next eight years, Kyle and Jamie spread the gospel and established Harbour Baptist Church in the heart of the Jewish community. In December 2009, they followed God’s leading to Melbourne where they established Friendship Baptist Church a year later.

Located near a Jewish community of 60,000, Friendship Baptist Church conducts a public Passover banquet in addition to regular church ministries. They strive to get the gospel of the Messiah into every Jewish home within the central Jewish community and send mail-outs to those living beyond the immediate area.

They follow the biblical principle of taking the gospel “to the Jews first,” yet also labor to take it “to the Gentiles.” During their 20+ years in Australia, Kyle and Jamie have also had the opportunity to teach the Bible in public primary schools through the government-sanctioned program Christian Religious Education. Their desire remains to sow the Good News to as many people as possible and in as many ways as possible.

Since meeting the Suttons in 2016, Team Australia has appreciated the Suttons’ burden for the lost and assisted them in passing out gospel literature to thousands of people. We have also ministered with them in their Sunday morning service at Friendship Baptist Church. As “iron sharpeneth iron,” when we are in the Melbourne region, we always schedule time for fellowship as their family is a great encouragement to our team.

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