the maldoffs: 2003–2014

Steven and Christy graduated from Pensacola Christian College in May 1995. Steven earned a degree in pastoral ministries; Christy, in nursing. After working for a Christian ministry for a few years and serving as an assistant pastor, Steven felt God calling him to full-time missions in Australia with Baptist International Missions, Inc.

In 2003, the Maldoff family arrived in Mildura, Victoria, in Australia. Soon, they began the Murray River Baptist Church in Buronga, New South Wales, where God tremendously blessed their ministry.

They had the exciting opportunity of teaching religious education classes in the local public schools, teaching and preaching at the local Christian school, and starting a Bible institute. Also, they conducted a kids club in an adjacent town and several annual and weekly evangelistic outreaches such as Christmas Play, Christmas Carols in the Park, Holiday Bible Club, Buronga Food Festival, Christianity Explained, and their own Wednesday evening kids club.

Steven and Christy also worked to encourage and edify their church family through sound biblical teaching and preaching at Murray River Baptist Church, as well as ministries like their annual Men’s and Ladies’ Conferences, Ladies’ Day, and missions trips to the Ukraine.

In June 2013, the Maldoff family took a needed furlough while the Cirone family continued the Maldoffs’ ministry at the Murray River Baptist Church. God used this experience in the lives of the Cirones to deepen their burden for Australia and its people. During fall 2013, the Maldoffs felt God leading them back to the United States, and Dr. Maldoff accepted a position with Baptist International Missions, Inc., (BIMI) as its Southeast Asia Director. May 2016, in honor of Steven’s ministry in Australia and current work with BIMI, Pensacola Christian College (PCC) awarded him an honorary doctorate and, in January 2022, installed him on PCC’s Board of Directors.

Steven continues to be excited about his role in assisting the missionaries serving the Lord in the various countries of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. Having lived for over a decade in that region of the world, he has been able to see firsthand the great need for more messengers of the gospel. One of his great desires is to see more people submit their lives in service to God in one of the many countries located throughout the region. Because of his articulate vision and deep burden for missions, Dr. Maldoff continues to be in high demand as a Missions Conference speaker. Other passions that he has are in the area of discipleship and apologetics. He and Christy have three children—Sarah, Emily, and Abigail.

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