the Heberles: 2004–present

From an early age, Jim Heberle felt God calling him as a missionary to Australia. While attending Oklahoma Baptist College in Oklahoma City, Jim and Becky met and were later married in June 1999. After a couple years on deputation, they left for Australia in August 2004. 

In their first three years in Australia, they helped two young churches grow through ministries like letter-boxing, soul winning, and discipleship classes. Jim also had the opportunity to pastor both of these churches for about eight months total while the senior missionaries furloughed in the United States.

During the last ten years, Jim and Becky started Australian Outback Ministries (AOM). With their children James and Lydia, they continue to minister through AOM. Their goal is to evangelize, baptize, and teach those who come to Christ by establishing churches in remote regions, especially in the state of Queensland.

During the 2016 Australia missions trip, our team met Jim and Becky while ministering to missionaries Joe and Melissa Marshall at New Beginnings Baptist Church in Brisbane, Queensland. Since that time, we’ve had several opportunities to assist the Heberles as they ministered throughout the Outback. The Heberles commented, “we travelled many dry, dusty, dirt roads together and . . . our hearts were truly knit with the team by the end of our time with them.” Our most memorable opportunities have been canvassing 22 Aboriginal communities with gospel literature, conducting a holiday kids club, and holding evangelistic services in multiple locations.

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