2011 team Testimonies
As I sit on the plane flying back home, I reflect on all the memories we all carry back and can’t help but thank God for His will and direction in my life that led up to this very moment. A year ago I could never have thought I’d be in Australia. Living a defeated life, it wasn’t until God brought me to a place of complete submission that I whole-heartedly signed up to go on the Australia missions trip. It cost so much money that I figured it would have to be God’s will for me to be able to go through with it! I believe God was testing my faith when I finally bought the ticket to go, not knowing whether I would have enough support to go. I gave it up to God at that point though I still had $1,700 left to pay and one month until the trip. God always comes through however, and I received $1,000 toward my account from an anonymous person! My church back home paid for half of my trip and supported me in every way. I thank God for them greatly. Through these steps of faith God has blessed me with the wonderful opportunity of serving Him in Australia. He was able to use my past struggles and challenges in my life to relate and encourage the girls I had in my cabin at the camp we helped out at. Two girls I spoke to received the Lord as their Savior! That is more rewarding to me than anything I could ever ask for as it was such a blessing to see lives change and decisions made for Christ. Being able to use my skill as the craft lady at the Wentworth Bible Club for the first time was awesome! Performing skits and getting out of my comfort zone to minister to the older kids at the Mildura Christian College was amazing and a blessing to me in my life. The closeness and fellowship as a team we had really helped edify and push ourselves farther in order to reach out to the church, school, and camp. Our leaders Dr. and Mrs. Cirone are fantastic and set a wonderful example to us all. I couldn’t ask for better ones and thank God for them. Most importantly I praise God and give Him the glory for everything. All the struggle and heartache is worth it in the end when even just one soul is saved–16 were saved on this one. “Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait I say on the Lord.” – Psalm 27:14
God is so good. I have been blessed so much in my two weeks in Australia. It has been exciting and an amazing opportunity to minister to the “Aussies.” The YOM Australia team was there to minister and be a blessing, but we can all say we received the very same. I thank God for leading each of us to go and for working in each of our lives. While at times I was hesitant to get involved, each time I did I was glad of it. It’s easy to sit on the sidelines and watch things happen, but once a person is involved, God can use him and the real blessings come. No other life compares to one of full service to our King.
Looking back on the last 2 1/2 weeks, I am absolutely amazed at what the Lord allowed us to do and see here in Australia. When we first left the United States, I was not looking forward to saying goodbye to family and friends and now that we are leaving Australia I am sad to have to say goodbye to the friends I made here I honestly never expected to get so close to some people but I have have some great friends that I will never forget. All of our experiences here we wonderful but if I had to choose one favorite it would have to be the time we spent at the Ankara Camp. I loved the girls in my cabin and we all got very close. We could definitely see the Lord working in our lives during that week. I’m so thankful that I was able to come and be a small part of the work that the Lord is doing here at the Murray River Baptist Church. Words really can’t express how amazing our time was. I praise the Lord for this opportunity and for allowing me to take part in it!
Rachel C.
This missions trip has impacted my life in so many ways. The team members giving their testimonies at the youth camp inspired my walk with the Lord. I say thanks so much for all support the people gave to me to come on this trip. We had to “suffer” by eating treats on a houseboat while cruising down the Darling and Murray Rivers as well as petting kangaroos and koalas at a wildlife reserve in Adelaide. ;0) I thank my parents too by letting me come to Australia and help the team out in every way I could.
The past two and a half weeks in Australia were fantastic. The people over there are so friendly and easy to talk to. I had a great time being with others my own age who were there all for the same cause–to serve Christ. Pastor Maldoff has a wonderful church and it was a pleasure and honor to serve right along with the church folk. The Cirones kept us busy the whole time. It was a blast being with such a Godly couple and we had many opportunities to do fun things, whether it be on a boat ride or strolling through a wildlife reserve, we were able to have a awesome time while serving the Lord.
I have been so blessed these past two and a half weeks. When I started, I was sure each aspect of ministry would be easily adaptable. I didn’t realize that God would test and strengthen me. I am thankful that He allowed me to try new things this trip. What I was used to doing in the classroom at Pensacola Christian Academy, helped me as I taught the Bible lessons here in Australia. I enjoyed being asked to do new things that I was not used to doing. I learned that sometimes kids just need someone to play a game with them. Often people just need a smiling face. I loved how God chose each member of this team so uniquely. He made each of us try new things we were not used to doing. I was given the opportunity to lead seven young people to Christ. Each young soul that was given to Christ was another answer to my many prayers throughout the last year. My goal for this trip was to lead at least one child to Christ. God allowed me to do it sevenfold. I thank God for His blessings.
Rachel K.
I can’t begin to explain how awesome this missions trip was for me. I appreciated all the work that went into it from the Cirones and also all the other members of the team. This was one of the best things I’ve experienced. The Maldoff family was the biggest blessing to me. They basically just handed their church ministry over to us and trusted we wouldn’t do anything to mess it up. I greatly enjoyed the congregation of the Murray River Baptist Church. They were the most friendly 100_2494 (1024×768)bunch as we loved their fellowship. We did many things within these last few weeks. We went to a camp out in the middle of nowhere that was so fun and got all of our focus back on God. We spent four days at the local Christian school. That same week, we ran a Bible club that was a great success. We made a lot of memories on this trip that we will never forget. Most importantly, we had fifteen kids make decisions for Christ! I am very glad the Lord allowed me to raise the support for this trip and share the Gospel with as many people in Australia as we could. I praise the Lord for everything going smooth and all of us staying safe throughout this trip.
2010 team Testimonies
They say that home is where the heart is, and I have just spent two weeks at home. Though I was miles away from my real home, I truly enjoyed my time in Australia. I went to Australia with the goal of being a blessing to the Maldoffs and the people of Australia, but they were a far greater blessing to me. As I came to Australia, I was very confused about what God wants me to do with my life. This trip has showed me what God can do through a group of people who are willing to say, “Here am I Lord, send me!” Perhaps the greatest thing God has shown me on this trip is that He can use us in spite of ourselves and our weakness.
Perhaps the greatest challenge I faced was being a camp counselor. Not only was this the first time I have ever been a camp counselor, but this is the first time Team Australia has been able to do camp. With this came many challenges and lots of uncertainty. I had no idea what to expect, and we did not have the luxury of prior experience in this situation. I was very scared about being a counselor but excited at the same time. For a while we were under the understanding that we would be more like assistant cabin leaders, but as it turned out, most people were assistants, but there were a few of us who were cabin leaders. I as one of those “few.” I was given 5 girls plus an assistant cabin leader named Abbey. I was so nervous when we first began, but I asked God for the wisdom to know what to say to my girls. I had some real challenges that week. I had a shy girl named Chloe in my cabin, and we weren’t sure whether she was saved or not. We prayed and prayed for her. God knows if she has accepted Jesus or not, I don’t, but I do know that I had the opportunity at least to plant seeds in her life. Another challenge came when my assistant cabin leader had to go home because she had a broken arm. I was on my own from then on. Amidst these challenges, I had a huge blessing. I was able to counsel one of my girls who wanted to dedicate her life to Christ. In talking with her, I realized how much of an impact I was making. Even though I didn’t feel like I was making a difference, God was using me and my girls were watching.
All in all, I am so thankful for all the people who touched my life in this trip, and I believe that I have found another home. I may never make it back to Australia again, but a piece of my heart will always be there, and I thank God for that!
I never would have thought that in a two week time period I would become so close to people. Leaving Australia at the end of two weeks was leaving family. Going over, as many others, I was hoping to be a blessing to the people. The way it turned out, the people of Murray River Baptist Church were more of a blessing to me than I could have ever been to them. God allowed me to work with teens at a week of camp. This was something I had never done but loved every minute of it. Through working at camp, to teaching Bible lessons at the college and Bible club, God taught me that I need to fully trust and rely on Him. God has given me the ability to teach for which I am so grateful, but one thing I learned is that even though I have the ability, I need the Lord every moment of it. I not only need Him while I’m teaching, I learned that I need to have the confidence in Him to work through me. I may have the ability, but if I don’t trust Him to use me through my ability, it is worthless. My love for the children has grown even more after this trip. I have such a desire to teach children who don’t know. I have no idea where God has planned for me to go in the future. I know that wherever it is, whether it be in Australia or somewhere else, that God can and wants to use me to help teach children and others about Him.
I am so thankful that I have had the wonderful privilege to go to Australia again. This year I wanted to expand out of the box and see what new areas I could serve in. The first full week of the trip was a completely new experience for me working with teens at a youth camp. I had to remember that the focus of this trip was to serve others. One of my favorite parts of the trip was working with the children at Mildura Christian College. We went there to be a blessing to the kids, but I think they blessed me more in return. The main highlight of the trip for me was on the last day of the Holiday Bible Club when Traver and I were able to lead a girl to the Lord. It was so encouraging knowing that she will now go to Heaven one day. Through the whole trip, the Lord blessed us with 7 souls getting saved. I am so grateful that I had this opportunity, and I hope that one day I’ll be back again down under.
The trip was a blast for me physically and spiritually. The highlight was leading 2 guys to Christ which I have never had the opportunity to do before. The team bonded real well, especially some of us guys. The Lord put a burden and a love for the missionary family and the people of Australia. The Aussie people are a really kind and open people to the gospel. Instead of finishing visitation quickly, I looked forward to meeting people and conversing with them. The people of Murray River Baptist Church were the most genuine and hospitable people I have met. If the Lord leads, I’d love to go back to Australia as a missionary. This trip has spiritually given me more of a missions mind set and has helped me be more faithful to Him in my devotions. Thank you for your prayers for this missions endeavor. It really paid off.
Graduating from Pensacola Christian College with a degree in Missions gave me interest and opportunities to be on two different YOM missions teams. This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to go “Down Under” and help Steven and Christy Maldoff, missionaries to Australia.
God worked in many ways in this trip, but the three main ways I saw Him working was through His Provision, His Perseverance, and His Plan.
God is the great Provider, no doubt. Scripture is full of examples of the Father providing for His children. God made that real to me in the area of my support. Though I sent many letters, e-mailed people, passed out prayer cards and prayed, the support came in very slowly. I honestly had about given up on going all together–but God was not through. He brought every last dollar in for my trip and my plane ticket three days before I was to leave. I serve a God of the impossible, and He always provides!
God showed me perseverance during this trip as well. Just as He never gives up on us, we should never give up on the lost. Pastor Steven has been in Mildura for several years, and the work has been slow and tedious. Each year he seeks to branch out his ministry and reach more for Christ. This year he hosted the first ever “Backpacker Bash.” Mildura is famous for backpacking tourists from around the world, and Pastor Steve desired to reach them. After weeks of planning, inviting, and even after cooking the famous Australian sausages, not one backpacker showed up. Pastor Steven pushed through the disappointment and is continuing to try to reach them. This story is only one of many. Pastor and Mrs. Maldoff have not always seen immediate fruit from their labor, but they continue to persevere–not quitting on souls who need Christ.
Finally, God’s plan is an obvious one, but a most needed one–bring the world to Christ. Our team helped in a camp the first week we were there and hosted a “Holiday Bible Club” or VBS the second. After spending years of planting, watering, and diligently tending the seeds of the Gospel, we were able to share in some of the fruit with the Maldoffs. God brought 7 souls to Himself the last two days were were in Australia, giving us joy and motivation to win more for Christ. God’s plan has been laid out. I spent two weeks in Australia living His plan –What are you doing with the Great Commission?
Jude 22 says “And of some having compassion making a difference.” I am thankful I had the opportunity to help make a difference in Australia.
It is a privilege to serve in the ministry of the gospel. I am truly thankful that the Lord called me to be a part of Team Australia 2010. We went to the “Land Down Under” to give of ourselves, but gained so much in return. Australia is a beautiful country on the outside, but a barren wasteland spiritually. And though I’ve experiences ministry first hand by growing up on the mission field, I know no greater pleasure than having been a witness for Christ in Australia.
We are so thrilled to have seen the Lord’s blessing. He provided step by step all that we needed for this ministry and guided us through many months of preparation. We worked hard through the challenges of counseling at camp, hosting a Holiday Bible Club, school presentations, yard work, teen activities, and a variety of other opportunities. God blessed our efforts and those of many others with the redemption of 7 young souls. It was amazing to be used by Him to point 2 to Christ. Their young hearts were prepared for such a time as this by so much labor and time. I praise the Lord that nothing we do for Him is in vain.
This trip has been an eye opener. Before as I was getting ready to come I began to get some doubts in my mind of whether I would be ready for everything, whether my bags would be all ready or whether I would be ready to minister spiritually. It got to the point where I had to say, “Jon, you’re ready because Jesus will help you.” And that is what happened. Jesus gave me a great trip, one where I think I grew spiritually through everything that was done. I am also thankful for Pastor and Mrs. Maldoff. They told me every opportunity that I could do it and did do it. I get nervous in front of large groups, but through the strength of God I was able to overcome my fear and serve Him to the best of my ability. Mrs. Maldoff was specifically encouraging in the situation when I was thinking that my object lesson did not make sense. Overall, I am thankful for the opportunity to go on this trip. It was a big eye opener.
It was wonderful to see the Lord work again. The first trip made a major impact on my life for the future. The first year our theme was the Value of One. I personally picked the song, so it meant a lot more to me. I was also the first one to see a soul saved on the trip. The song now meant much more to me. Last year we saw two souls saved, and they were most precious to us. This year, our prayer was the same, just one soul. God blessed with seven. I personally saw two souls saved and a teen dedicate his life to Christ. The first trip meant a lot to me, and this second time meant so much more.
The missions trip to Australia that God called me to is something that will never be forgotten in my mind. The things He has shown me has given me much to think about. Watching the Maldoff family has given me a better understanding of missions, church ministry, and family life. I believe God had a reason for his timing. Although I’ll be getting married in 2 weeks, this trip was not an inconvenience but part of the foundation for my marriage. Balancing ministry with family is not all that easy. As Mrs. Christy Maldoff told me, many great preachers have failed in raising their family. I have realized the significance of this balance the past 2 weeks in Australia (just in time too!). The Lord has also burdened my heart more for missions. Although I don’t feel called to work on a foreign mission field, I know the Lord wants me to get more involved in missions. This trip has given me a better perspective of what missions is all about. God’s timing is perfect–He knew exactly what I needed before starting a new family in August. I’ll greatly miss the people of Australia, but they have helped me understand things in ways they’ll never know, and for that I am most appreciative.
Revival is reaching Australia. As a team we prayed for one soul to come to Christ, and we are leaving Australia with seven souls saved. It was an astronomical experience seeing God work each day. We were able to minister in so many ways and have reaped the harvest not only in Australia but in our own hearts. Going to camp opened my eyes to the Spirit working in the teens. Everything from songs to testimonies to cabin devotions lined up with the messages. I feel blessed to have been allowed to be a part of this team. I have been inspired to sharpen my sword and continue in furthering the Gospel.
There is so much that I learned during this missions trip to Australia. One thing that I saw was during the week of youth camp. God was working mightily. Young people got saved and lives were dedicated to the Lord. It was a joy to see God working in the messages at camp. The testimonies we gave and the pastor’s messages lined up almost every time with each other. That was amazing, but through it all we could see God mostly. Young people would ask us questions about evolution and creation. I was also able to learn a little about the culture because many of them still believe that God used evolution to create and that’s how God keeps the world, by processes. We got to go door-to-door as well. It was interesting to do that because we came across three different religions in the same town. Many of them closed the door in our face, but we kept moving on. We also got an opportunity to be leaders at Holiday Bible Club. Four came to know Christ through that. It was really fun to get them excited about Bible Club. It was a joy to have little kids come up to me and be excited about us being there. Lastly, Mildura Christian College was a peak of the time that we were there because it made such a big impact on the young children. At first I was nervous, but it went well. The children gave us hugs a lot, and they were so welcoming. It was really hard to leave by the end. This was a great start for me learn about missions first hand and not to just hear stories. Thank you, YOM, for making this possible. I will be going (eventually) into full-time missions sometime, but not sure where.
God does things we don’t expect a lot of times. God did that a few times on our Australia Trip 2010. One time stands out most to me on the trip. The last week we were there I got very sick and I stayed at the house we were at for 2 days. I was really upset. I didn’t understand why God would do this to me on the missions trip. I felt like I was letting everyone down, and I wasn’t being a blessing to anyone. That’s when I realized God’s ways are not my ways. I believe God was trying teach me to be humble and to trust Him. That’s never an easy lesson, and I know it will be an ongoing process, but I was thankful to learn this lesson.
2009 team

Meet the members of our 2009 Australia team!
2008 team

Meet the members of our 2008 Australia team!