Joshua Zacharias: 2023–Present

Josh was born and raised in LA (Lower Alabama), not far from Pensacola, FL. Born to Christian parents, he heard the gospel at a young age and asked the Lord to save him around the age of nine.

Growing up, Josh loved college football, was homeschooled, and became very involved in his home church where he gained some of his first ministry experience. Later, he went on to graduate from Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and Pensacola Theological Seminary with ministry degrees.

While working on staff at PCC, Josh was given the opportunity to go to Australia with a Youth Outreach Ministry (YOM) mission team led by Dr. and Mrs. Cirone, who worked at PCC as well. Through that trip in 2018, he learned more about Australia and the spiritual needs of the Australian people and began praying regarding long-term ministry in Australia.

Josh Zacharias
Josh Zacharias Preaching

In 2019, he assisted the Cirones as they led another ministry team to Australia. After returning from this trip, the Lord used a verse of Scripture to confirm Josh’s call to Australia: Matthew 16:24— “Then said Jesus unto His disciples, ‘If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.’”

In response to the Lord’s leading, Josh reached out to Pastor Manny Mallari at Calvary Baptist Church in Melbourne, Australia, regarding working with him at Calvary. As things unfolded, Pastor Manny invited Josh to come, and Josh began deputation at the end of 2020 to raise support to go. As a testimony of God’s miraculous providence and the kind generosity and mission-heart of His people, Josh raised his support in record time and and arrived in Australia in early 2023. Josh assists Pastor Manny, with the long-term goal of planting another church in Australia.

Calvary Baptist Church
Josh Zacharias Preaching

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