our team

Introducing our 2023 YOM Team Australia!

God has graciously provided an excellent team, and we are very thankful for your prayers!
Please take a moment to meet and read about each team member.

Trevor Campbell

Hi, my name is Trevor Campbell; I am a junior pastoral ministries major at Pensacola Christian College. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I attended Liberty Baptist Church my entire life and attended the school there as well. I have always enjoyed exercise and sports and have also enjoyed traveling and seeing new places. God called me into ministry in 2019 at a camp in Arizona, and ever since then, God has taken me to all different kinds of places and used me in so many different ways. A friend once told me, “It is incredible to see where ministry will take you!” Now God has opened the door to serve Him in Australia, and I cannot be more excited for it! I pray that the Lord will use us to advance His kingdom in Australia. Please pray for a successful and safe trip!

Chris Carlson

Hey there! My name is Chris Carlson, and I’m a junior at Pensacola Christian College, majoring in pastoral ministries. I grew up in sunny California, and I attend Pioneer Baptist Church. I enjoy doing various things, from spending time with friends and making them laugh to filmmaking and video production. The Lord has given me many great opportunities to serve Him over the past several years, including serving as a camp counselor at Ironwood Christian Camp, a Bible club leader, a dorm supervisor, and the chaplain for the junior class at school. These opportunities have enabled me to do what the Lord is calling me to do: serve Jesus by serving people. I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve in Australia, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the trip.

Madison Finch

Hi, my name is Madison Finch. I am the 5th of 7 children and was born and raised in Wasilla, Alaska. I graduated from Pensacola Christian College in 2021 with my bachelor’s in elementary education. Since graduating, I have taught 5th grade at Christian schools in Hawaii and now Newport Beach, California. Teaching young children about Christ’s love has been a passion of mine since a very young age. In 2019, I was blessed to be a part of YOM’s summer missions trip to Australia. God allowed me to lead two young girls to Christ at a Holiday Kids Club (VBS) there. Though I’m thrilled to be returning to Australia, I’m most excited to see how God uses my previous experience in Australia to help our team minister in the best ways possible.

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
Matthew 28:19

Karina Jones

Hey everybody! My name is Karina Jones, and I am a senior graduating with a degree in elementary education (plus a minor in history) in May 2023. Born and raised in Piedmont, Alabama, I am 21 years old and the oldest of three children. I love to read, play tennis and soccer, and just be around family and friends. After graduation, my plan is to move back to Alabama to pursue a teaching position while serving in my local church in children’s ministries. Growing up, I was given a lot of responsibility and through this responsibility learned how to serve others. This idea of serving others has always been something I loved to do and now I get to extend my ability to serve by traveling with YOM to Australia in the summer. I am extremely excited to be a part of this team and for the opportunity God has given us. I know God will use my trip experiences and the memories made to teach me some of the most incredible things!

Morgan Prater

My name is Morgan Prater. I am a junior studying secondary English education at Pensacola Christian College. I am from Michigan, where I have lived my whole life. I enjoy spending time with friends, reading, and doing crafts in my free time. In high school I developed a love for people, and I enjoyed working with children. God gave me the opportunity to serve in a children’s Sunday school, nursery, and the youth group in my home church. A few years ago, God allowed me to serve at a teen camp for two summers where I developed a deeper love for working with teenagers. I have desired to go on a missions trip for many years now. I look forward to serving in Australia and seeing God work.


Cailyn Roach

Hi! My name is Cailyn Roach and I am a freshman at Pensacola Christian College. I am currently working towards my degree in nursing. After graduation, I plan to combine my love of science with my love of children and work in a hospital with pediatric patients. I was born in Pensacola, Florida, and since then, I’ve had the opportunity to also live in Maryland and Huntsville, Alabama, with my family. Some of my favorite things to do are embroidering, making jewelry, working with children, and of course, reading a good book (bonus if there’s some snow, and I’m by a warm fire!). I am so excited to learn and grow in my faith and to use my skills to be able to minister to the people of Australia this summer. I cannot wait to see what God does through this team!

Joshua Stephens

Hello, my name is Joshua Stephens, and I am from Cincinnati, Ohio. I started out as a nursing major at the University of Cincinnati, but after spending a summer working as a camp counselor at Camp CoBeAc, I felt called to be in full-time ministry. So, I am a youth ministries major with a digital media emphasis at Pensacola Christian College. One of my favorite hobbies is distance running, and I am training to run my first marathon in March. I have always had a strong burden to share God’s Word, and I am excited to have the privilege to minister in Australia.

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”
Romans 8:37

Marenda Williams

Hey y’all! My name is Marenda Williams. I am a junior nursing major at Pensacola Christian College. God has greatly blessed me in my life. I had the honor to grow up in a pastor/youth pastor’s home. As my parents sought to humbly submit to the calling of the Lord no matter what, God moved my family thirteen times. Some may have been upset at God or their parents for this, but I would never trade the many friends, trials, growth, or souls that I got the short time to touch. I have served as a camp counselor, traveling singer, Sunday school teacher, Bible club leader, and VBS worker. Even though I had a somewhat crazy childhood, my dad always made sure we kids were playing hard at some sport. Because of that, I love basketball, volleyball, softball, soccer, and anything outdoors. God has put a holistic burden on my heart for people; not only do I desire to reach their spiritual need but also their physical need. I am excited to see how God will use this trip to shape my future and make me more like Christ!

Christina Wooten

My name is Christina Wooten. I am a sophomore at Pensacola Christian College, double majoring in professional writing and performance studies. My father is a pastor at a church in South Carolina, so I have grown up participating in the ministry. I play piano for our church congregation, sing in the choir, and assist in junior church. In my spare time, I love to act, write, and sing. I hope to use the talents God has given me to serve Him in my future career. I am excited to travel to Australia for both the amazing experiences I will have and the people I will meet. God clearly opened this door for me, and I can’t wait to step through and see what is on the other side.

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Ready to serve on the mission field? Sign up for one of our short-term missions opportunities available each summer.