Our hosts

Josh Zacharias

Joshua Zacharias: 2023-present

Josh Zacharias serves at Calvary Baptist Church in Melbourne, Australia. Being a former 2018 and 2019 YOM Team Australia member, Josh serves as a Baptist Internation Missions, Inc., missionary.

The Marshall Family

The Marshalls: 2003–Present

Dr. Joe and Melissa Marshall serve at New Beginnings Baptist Church in Brisbane, Australia. With their four children (Breanna, Josiah, Kaitlyn, and Thomas), they’ve ministered in Australia for many years with Baptist International Missions, Inc.

The Suttons: 2001–Present

Kyle and Jamie Sutton serve at Friendship Baptist Church in Melbourne, Australia. With their children Rebecca, Jonathan, and David, they minister to the Jewish people in Australia through the International Board of Jewish Missions.

The Heberles: 2004–Present

Jim and Becky Heberle founded and minister through Australia Outback Mission. With their children, James and Lydia, they strive to share the gospel and establish churches in remote regions in Australia.

The Maldoffs: 2003-2014

Dr. Steven Maldoff is the director of Southeast Asia Missions at Baptist International Missions, Inc. Together with his wife Christy and three daughters (Sarah, Emily, and Abigail), he spent many years as a missionary in Australia.

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