With the team arriving to Brisbane safely, they spent the rest of Saturday evening resting up for their last week of ministry. This week’s ministries will be both Life Gate Baptist Church (our first Sunday) and to missionaries Joe and Melissa Marshall throughout the rest of the week culminating with their Super Saturday Youth Rally and New Beginnings Baptist Church (our second Sunday). The Marshalls have already been a blessing to our team by meeting us at the airport to help us transport our luggage to our accommodations in Scarborough.

For our first Sunday, the team had several ministry opportunities that included three Sunday School classes, the Morning Worship Service, a luncheon fellowship, and an afternoon Service (in lieu of their evening service). Marenda, Cailyn, and Karina led the 2-6 year old Sunday School class, Maddy, Trevor, Morgan, and Trevor led the 9-15 year old Sunday School class, and Chris taught the adult Sunday School class while Josh shared his testimony.

During the morning and afternoon services, Christina played the piano for our group special music and also sang a solo special music item. Both her and Marenda were able to share their testimonies, Josh preached the morning service, and Trevor preached the afternoon service. In-between the two services, Life Gate served us a lovely lunch as we greatly enjoyed our fellowship with each other. Even though Pastor and Mrs. Zimmermann were both crook (aka sick), Brother Dan Kent did a great job not only leading the services but also in assisting us with any questions that we had. We not only appreciated the opportunity to serve and have fellowship with the lovely folks at Life Gate, but appreciated the kind gift of “Australian” treats they gave us as we left.

Lord-willing, because Pastor and Mrs. ZImmermann are on the mend, we will be able to meet up with them on Thursday so that they are able to meet the team. Life Gate Baptist Church was a great start to our last week of ministry. Pray that we all stay strong, dedicated, and focused (spiritually and physically) right up until the end of our trip!

Lord bless,

Team Australia