Today, Madison brings us our exciting update–take it away!

On their first full day in Australia, the team jumped right in to a full day of ministry. This morning, the men headed to Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) to participate in the men’s breakfast. Dr. Cirone was able to share the truth found in Philippians 4:9 of taking your “Tuit” and turning it into a “Do It!” It was a time of fellowship, food, but most importantly studying God’s Word and prayer for the youth rally coming up in the afternoon. The guys enjoyed a hearty breakfast with a few options they hadn’t seen before such as the Aussie classic of baked beans on toast.

The ladies made their way to CBC a bit later in the morning and jumped right in to decorating and preparing for the youth rally. Once the banners and balloons were put in place, the team eagerly awaited the arrival of the teens, but first, lunch provided by the church. Right after lunch, it was all systems go.

Josh Zacharias (2019 Team member, now missionary serving at CBC) led the rally with chief announcer being Mr. Cirone. Christina and Chris led the Red team – the rubies, while Josh and Cailyn led the blue team – the Sapphires. The program included songs from Ben, Marenda and Christina; games from Trevor, Madison, Josh, and Morgan; Testimonies from Ben and Marenda; and preaching from Chris and Trevor. We were so excited to have 53 teens attend with some even attending from over 3 hours away!

Following the activities, the team enjoyed some food with the teens and made many connections. And after their departure, it was time to clean set up the church again and practice our music. Upon returning to the apartments, Ben and Dr. Cirone had to park the vans in the basement level car park which is quite tricky and VERY tight (this actual could be a prayer request–for safety and vigilance in coming in/going out of the carpark. The team did so well today with everyone enthusiastically doing their part. We’re so thankful for the team God put together for this year and continue to have a great spirit!

Being over 9,000 miles away, your prayers are being felt and answered!

Team Australia